Uncharted Adventure Blog I'm not really a homeschool coach...

I'm not really a homeschool coach...


Sure, I help parents discover the best ways to facilitate their children's education...

Of course, I help self-educating teens and young adults (aka dropouts) navigate education and adult responsibilities...

Naturally, I help families struggling through the compulsory school system build the courage to step into home education...

All of this is absolutely true.


I believe homeschooling, the way most families try and fail to do it, in no better than the system.

I believe parents requiring participation in academics, sports, or many other things ruins the most important part of a child's life: the parent-child relationship.

I believe bringing the evils of school into the home will destroy what is left of our humanity.


If you are looking for someone to help you:

  • choose the right or best homeschool philosophy or curriculum,
  • trick your children into obediently completing their assignments or cleaning their room,
  • teach your children to read or do math or sit still or play sports or listen,
  • convince your friends or family or parents or partners that home education is valid or better or safer,

you are in the wrong place, talking to the wrong person, about the wrong things. Kindly don't waste my time. Or yours. There are in fact, normal homeschool coaches out there to help you with those kinds of solutions. 

However, my work IS for:

  • parents who know the compulsory school system has nothing to offer their children that could possibly ever validate the price they will pay for it, and yet cannot see past the fears that their children will be behind, miss opportunities, or be unable to succeed,
  • self-educating teens and young adults who know exactly what the system's irredeemable issues are, and yet still feel less-than because they cannot get the shaming voices of their past oppressors out of their heads, 
  • parents with children who are "too much" or "not enough" for the system- the sensitive, the strong-willed, the gifted, the defiant, the ones with learning differences, the unruly, the creatives- but don't know how to facilitate their children's education at home, 
  • families who want to build respectful non-hierarchical parent-child relationships, but never had this way of living modeled for them, 
  • people who are not afraid to take the path less traveled, or even hack their own trail, but don't know where to begin or where to go without external direction because they were trained not to trust themselves, their children, or the world.

I don't do tips, tricks, hacks, or quick fixes.

I don't do shallow, superficial, or surface level.

I definitely don't do obedience, compliance, bribery, or coercion.

Folks who work with me must be:

  • willing to explore every path in their mind,
  • deeply vulnerable-at least with themselves,
  • open to dialog with their inner voices, inner critic, and inner child, and
  • interested in challenging every belief they hold dear.

In short, insanely courageous. Because we are going there.

If you want to free your family from oppression masquerading as education and calling itself school...

If you want to heal your relationship with the shaming voices in your head (usually your parents and teachers) so you can fall in love with your true self and grow your relationship with your children...

If you want your children to love themselves, love you, love learning, and love life...

We must dive deeeeeep into your early social conditioning, which is the foundation for your deepest fears, shames, and desires. The parts of you that you don't want to deal with, acknowledge, or even look at that nonetheless control your choices, relationships, your whole life.

We have to dig up the roots of your beliefs, make peace with their causes, and rebuild your habits, patterns, and reactions, so you can live an authentic life.

The best way I have found to do this is to have big juicy conversations with people who understand what it is you want to do, where you're starting, and where you want to go. Conversations that you take your time with, where you mull over your responses and speak your truth, and leave feeling thoughtful and inspired. I love those conversations. 

And I'd love to have them with you.

!;! support coming soon.


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