Uncharted and Authentic Conversations

homeschool confidence coaching success

Are you one BIG DELICIOUS conversation away from embarking on the HOMESCHOOL ADVENTURE of your DREAMS?

Have you been searching and SEARCHING the far reaches of the known world (and internet!) to find REAL personal support on your unique DESCHOOLING JOURNEY?

Do you just need to talk to someone who has climbed that BEAUTIFUL UNSCHOOLING AND RESPECTFUL PARENTING mountain, all the way from authoritarianism to radical respect, and lived to tell the tale?

Any and all of these are now available!

A grand mentoring opportunity, from me to you: Uncharted and Authentic Conversations!

If you want:

  • a guide to help you see what is possible, 
  • to feel supported on your parenting and homeschooling journey,
  • to have someone to process your thoughts with,
  • some new tools for your parenting and home education kit,
  • and a mentor you can ask anything without judgement,

I'm here for that. We can:

  • dive deep into your homeschooling and parenting journey so far, especially your beliefs about learning and children,
  • flag all of the obstacles you are facing, so we can tackle them one at a time, and map out a plan to do so,
  • talk about how the compulsory school system fails nearly everyone, how it failed you and your family specifically, and how to avoid bringing all of that baggage into your home and homeschool,
  • explore what is working and what definitely isn't in your family relationships and homeschool, and what options you have to grow,
  • and so much more!

Hi! I'm Rachel, field guide, forest ranger, and occasional lifeguard on this glorious life path of radical unschooling and respectful parenting. I'm here to help you find the information you need to make the best, most informed choices possible for your family, guide and support you through your process of breaking down beliefs you hold as truth that are actually obstacles on your path, and help you gather the confidence and courage you need to take your family on an epic adventure to an exceptional real world education within an environment of respectful relationships.

I've spent my whole life having wonderful, insightful, thought provoking conversations that lead people into a deeper awareness of themselves and their loved ones while bringing to light the hidden socially conditioned beliefs we were given so early we don't even realize they are merely beliefs and not truths, so that folks can actively choose how to relate to, and interact with, their beliefs and their people from a place of heart centered authenticity, instead of merely running on autopilot- and getting the same less-than-desirable results they've always gotten.

I have spent far too much time alone hacking through the jungle between school and relevant education, between family hierarchy and respectful relationships, and during those years, I would have given almost anything to just have a real person to talk to about what I believed about children and education, someone to process my learning with, someone who had been where I was and survived the journey, to thrive in a new place of wonder. That is what I now offer to you, someone experienced to talk to and learn with, and a whole kit of new tools to facilitate your adventure.

I believe that this work of planting and sprouting the seeds of authenticity and respect, starting with our children, can change our culture for the way better really fast, and that is what I aim to do: nothing less than change the world. I have therefore turned my skills of exquisite listening, radical acceptance, and insightful guidance- along with my vast knowledge and experience of homeschooling, deschooling, unschooling, and respectful parenting- toward helping folks and families:

  • discover and explore their deep social conditioning and learn to separate it from their authentic selves, true beliefs, and real values,
  • shift their mindsets away from limiting and damaging beliefs so they can move on to embodying empowering beliefs,
  • reorient their thought patterns and rewire their neural pathways to support their growing and changing truths, habits, and chosen lifestyles,
  • open their minds and lives to new relational and educational paradigms so they can leave behind restrictive and harmful social norms and free themselves from the confines of the Big Schooling and Big Parenting boxes, 
  • and overall learn to engage only in respectful relationships, beginning within the family and gradually reaching out to the rest of the world, only ever offering authenticity and respect TO others, and in return only ever accepting authenticity and respect FROM others.

I believe this is a sure path to saving humanity- making humans more humane, toward each other and the rest of existence. It starts with you, with your attitudes toward and about your children. From there we can extend our respect to our partners, friends and families, and hopefully to ourselves. Authenticity and respect ripple outwards through society, one relationship, one connection, at a time. It all starts with you. And me. 

For more about me personally, you can check out my About Me page, or sign up for my Email List.

Uncharted and Authentic Conversations is a day long, asynchronous support and coaching container where you and I can chat about pretty much anything related to homeschooling, unschooling, deschooling, or intentional parenting.

My favorite conversations start where you are and leave you feeling seen and human, as well as with actionable tools and plans to get you where you want to be. We can have a single day of conversation around a very specific topic or issue or obstacle OR you can choose a couple of days, or once a week if you're in an intense phase, or once a month if you just need some regular support from someone who GETS IT. Each day long conversation is purchased and scheduled separately, so you have full freedom to get what you need, when you need it, as much and as often as you need it, as long as there's time in my schedule, without worrying about committing to the seeming eternity of a package.

Some of the conversations I regularly enjoy include:

  • how to educate without coercion or reward/bribes,
  • how to find your legal homeschool rights and responsibilties,
  • how to let go of schoolish thoughts and mindsets,
  • how to follow your values to lead your homeschool,
  • how to add consent into your previously hierarchical relationships,
  • how to model the skills you want your children to learn,
  • how to instill values you hold in your children,
  • how to manage your feelings about things you cannot control,
  • how to stop operating from a place of fear,
  • how to embody your deep values and still live in the world,
  • how to relate to your children and others with confidence,
  • how to stop participating in anything that is not aligned with your values,
  • how to educate your children with courage,
  • how to rewire your neural pathways to support you instead of self-sabotaging,
  • how to listen so kids will talk and talk so kids will listen,
  • and many more... what can I chat with you about?

You can have all the support you can handle on your deschooling, homeschooling, unschooling, and respectful parenting journey WITHOUT:

  • having to schedule large blocks of uninterrupted time for live-in-person coaching calls- only to have to cancel last minute because your toddler is refusing to nap yet again, and
  • feeling obligated to put on a bra and make-up and clean at least a corner of your wonderfully lived-in home for video meetings, and then feeling quarantined in your corner when the kids want to go the park because its a beautiful day, and
  • feeling limited by a strict 1 hour window to try to fit in a real conversation, or
  • committing to a package of sessions that reach far into the future and follow someone else's "master transformational plan"... because you need to have a specific conversation about a specific topic, like, this week!

I bet you're wondering: "How can you offer coaching and mentorship support without live calls??? How does it work? And why would you do such a thing? No one else does it that way!"

Well, curious adventurer, I'm so glad you asked! 

I'm BUSY. And I'm betting you are too. I'm a wife, and we are parents of a teen and a tween, and I currently also have a job outside my home and separate from my business. We unschool, so our learning isn't confined to a few hours of curriculum completion every day, we literally do not have a spare minute in our lives that isn't filled with curiosity and wonder, discovery and discussion, stories and experiments and projects. We like to go places and do things, to travel and experience nature and visit family. Our kids are busy too, more and more social every day, requiring transportation and supervision. I bet you can relate.

Also, I'm an introvert. I like to be able to take my time responding to conversation, and live calls are fraught with feeling the need to fill up any silence, especially if we are new to each other and nervous, or if the opportunity has a time limit, we all want to get every second we paid for, right? I like to be able to process everything you tell me, gather my thoughts, and arrange them in a way that makes sense before I answer, without feeling pressured to fill the silence myself with meaningless drivel, pleasantries, or half formed thoughts. I want you to feel seen, supported, and capable by the time we close our conversation, not pressured, rushed, or like you wasted your time and money. If you just wanted to talk at anybody, you could've picked the stranger at the park!

Fair warning: I'm not really here just to make you feel better, I'm not here to commiserate with your situation, or listen to you whine and self-victimize. I'll be validating your feelings, for sure; any time and place you choose to begin this work is a fine and admirable time and place as far as I'm concerned, and your feelings about it are absolutely valid. AND, what I'm really here for, what I'm really passionate about and have the most fun doing, is solving all your parenting and educational problems by resolving the relationship issues between you and your children by guiding your process of digging into your beliefs and values and social conditioning about children and learning, and offering new and alternative approaches to relationships and education for the purpose of opening your mind to new ways of being in the world that serve all people. Like, I said, I'm here to save the world. Starting with one comfortable conversation around the campfire. Starting with you, and your family.

Of course no one else does it this way! They need my work too, because they are so well programmed by their own social conditioning that they truly believe they must be chained to their desk, in tip top form and in the most bubbly mood and presenting a highly financially privileged facade, in order to help people and bring in an income. They truly believe they must wear this mask to make a meaningful contribution to society and to bring their unique work to the world, because they believe that's the only way to do business. None of that is for me, and if you're still reading, I bet you agree.

Enter: the magic of VOXER.

I offer full days (8 hours) of asynchronous conversation, from 10am to 6pm, Eastern time, currently on Mondays and Tuesdays, through an app called Voxer.

Basically, Voxer is a messaging service, where we can chat back and forth all day, using text, audio, or video. It's like a leisurely chat thread with a close friend that takes all day and can meander down all the paths and encompass all the details of your situation, with plenty of quick back-and-forth and can also take breaks and have lulls and AND leaves you feeling like you just had a weekend away with your best friend that happens to be experienced in the very thing you want to know more about. The purpose of this is to fit our conversations into our already full lives- around kids and jobs and relationships and the park and the beach and hiking and camping and traveling and babies and pets and elder care and everything else clamoring for our attention every second of every day. 

When you purchase a conversation, you will be added to my platform, which will walk you through the process of preparation and scheduling, but basically: you purchase a conversation and receive access to the platform, you log in and fill out a pre-work questionnaire to pre-inform me about what you want our conversations to focus on, and then I email you to schedule our adventure. On the day of our conversation, I will send you an opening message at 10am if you haven't messaged me already, and our day begins!

After our conversation, back in the platform, is a quick questionnaire with plenty of room for open ended responses and a place to leave a more formal testimonial. I truly appreciate your thoughtful feedback on my journey to learning how best to support you.

This is a great opportunity for parents who:

  • simply cannot schedule any specific time away from the family to talk to a mentor,
  • know there's more to education than worksheets and sticker charts,
  • want to believe there is a better way forward, and maybe are afraid to leave old ways behind,
  • need to talk to a real live person with experience in homeschooling, deschooling, unschooling, and respectful parenting,
  • have run into an obstacle on their path and perhaps become lost in the wilds of curriculum and/or philospphy,
  • are themselves or have kids who are rebellious, outspoken, neurospicy, and otherwise amazing and challenging,
  • are afraid of ruining their children's lives by not forcing a schoolish education and experiences,
  • are feeling called to respecting and trusting their children, and believe children are born whole people,
  • burned out by trying to perform homeschooling in a way that is not aligned with their values, or don't know what "enough" looks or feels like, 
  • have difficulty explaining the "why and how" of their educational and parenting choices to others, especially (actual or perceived) critics, or
  • must, or have chosen to, send their kids to school, or recreate school at home with perfect documentation, and want to mitigate as much as possible the harm that comes from living in this territory by making their home a safe haven for their family,
  • or any of a bazillion other concerns that can pop up when you are living a life of cycle breaking.

This opportunity is NOT for parents looking for life hacks to get their kids to obey them, clean their rooms, eat their veggies, or perform and complete curricula, or parents looking for "the one right, final answer" or "the perfect all in one box curriculum that me and my kids will adore and will make my kids perfectly successful in every way." I don't deal in surface level symptom management like new/different/better curriculum or "friendlier" ways to coerce and force children to obey or behave. I do not offer consultation about curricula or homeschool philosophies other than unschooling, because I know almost nothing about any of the multitudinous array that is available.This opportunity is NOT for parents who are unwilling to look themselves in the face, confront their beliefs and the causes of those beliefs, and change accordingly. I am definitely a "deep dive to the roots of your experience, examine every piece and part of your life and beliefs to find out what is working, what's not, and why, prune out the parts that are overgrown, unnecessary, or harmful, and then rebuild the foundations of your thoughts, behaviors, and patterns so your life can grow in a healthy way" kind of mentor. This offer is NOT for parents who are unable to be present with their children for whatever reason, or otherwise don't like being with their children. I do NOT get along with political or religious zealots or evangelists, or true believers in the school system or authoritarian parenting. I will NOT tolerate self-victimization, complaining, whining,  blaming, or shaming. Also, if you simply want me to say what you want to hear, you are going to be surprised to find that most of what I do is offer questions, not hardline answers... so if you think you're right and someone else is by default wrong, you're barking up the wrong tree.

Still with me? Awesome!

A few FAQs:

1: What if I KNOW one day or one conversation isn't enough?

     You can always purchase more conversation days! Currently, my platform, MemberVault, isn't set up for multiple purchases of a product because it is made for courses and classes and coaching packages, so for now, if you want to buy another conversation, you must log out of your account and purchase it as a visitor, using the same email address as your account. I can always help you with that if you need me to. Just send me an email at rachel@unchartedauthenticity.com.

2: Can both parents participate?

     As a matter of fact, yes. I HIGHLY recommend that all the adults in the household who participate in the parenting and education of the children at least read the conversation, and discuss it among yourselves. Voxer is a messaging app, and at least for now, I'm welcoming multiple participants at the single price as long as they are passing the device around, as I won't be opening a multi-account chatroom or zoom room. Keep in mind, I'm not here to facilitate conversations among the household, and I certainly will not be refereeing any arguments or debates, nor do I offer refunds and if the conversation turns into any of that, I will close the conversation immediately. I also highly recommend you all get on the same page as far as what you all want to talk about. You can always purchase more conversation days if we need to keep going, but a focus is very helpful. As a group, perhaps you can choose a facilitator among yourselves. 

3. What days are you available?

     Currently, I am employed 4 days a week as a massage therapist, so my availability is limited to Mondays and Tuesdays, from 10am-6pm Eastern time. As Uncharted Authenticity fills our family income needs, more days may become available. If you are not available when I am, DO NOT PURCHASE, as I do not offer refunds, and I have no idea when my availability will expand.

4: What if I can't take a whole day off from life to talk to you?

     That's why I offer my services as asynchronous Voxer conversations, so both you and I can live our lives and get the work done. 

5: Do you offer refunds?

     I absolutely do NOT offer refunds. If you are unable to afford my service, do not purchase it. If you are not available during my availability, do not purchase. If you cannot treat me (and anyone else you are bringing to the conversation) with respect, do not purchase my time. If you just want to argue with me about parenting or education, do not purchase. If for any reason I am unsatisfied with your behavior, I will end the conversation, and you will not receive a refund. As previously stated, I do not tolerate any misbehavior. 

8: Do you offer discounts or scholarships for military, school teachers, first responders, EMS, etc, or based on race, sexual orrientation, gender, income, etc?

     Currently, I do not. In the future, after I have worked out all the bugs, and increased the price to match, I want to offer a few, as I am aware of the huge disparity in privilege in our world. I'm not sure if it will be discounts for specific groups, or if I will offer scholarships, or if I will offer well-privileged folks the opportunity to pay it forward, or all of the above. We shall see what the future holds.

8: What if I can't afford it?

     I would first ask, what is it costing you to stay stuck where you are? What is it costing your relationship to your kids? What is it costing their relationship to learning? To authority figures? To themselves?

     If you truly cannot afford it, do not purchase my services. I do not wish to be responsible for you not eating today, or your kid not getting shoes they need. I truly believe the right people and opportunities show up at the right time, and it's entirely possible this is not the opportunity for you right now. Please be responsible. Please consume all my free content, follow me on social media, and check out all the other free resources I highlight in my Freesource Library. The internet is full of free information, and you can do this! I know, because I did.

Feel free to email me any further questions to determine if we are a good fit for each other at rachel@unchartendauthenticity.com.

You get 8 hours of all the asynchronous conversation you can handle around your chosen topic, filled with validation, mind opening, belief exploration, tools, and experience- for the low price of $100 per full day of conversation.

I get to help you on your path, make progress saving the world, and your feedback on our time together in the form of a closing questionnaire with space to leave open-ended responses. 

This is going to be a beautiful adventure. Are you ready? Purchase a conversation today!

3 Modules

chatting about your homeschool and parenting

Download Voxer.

First things first. You need to get the app we will use to chat.

I enjoy real relationships.

Open ended questions for me to get to know you and your deschooling / unschooling / respectful parenting / homeschooling journey. Pour yourself some tea and spill your heart to me.

Tell me the truth.

More open ended questions! For AFTER our session. I need your honesty.

Modules for this experience 3
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